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Work Ethic – Just A Memory?

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When I was growing up, I remember my father working a lot of hours. He was growing his business and it took much of his time. I remember my Father walking out the front door at the crack of dawn and returning after the sun had set. I recall the dedication that he had and remember the emotional and financial struggles he went through to be sure his three daughters and two sons were clothed, well fed, had a good roof over their heads. The basic needs were met. Any extras (many of the things considered necessities today) were not given; you found ways to earn it.

For all the lessons learned by observing my father, the one that comes most to mind is the fact that he was a man with a strong work ethic. He was a responsible person. He was reliable and a person who could be held accountable for his actions. He persevered and was dedicated to his company. To take off sick or leave work to go have fun did not happen. It would have compromised his working reputation of being a responsible, accountable and dedicated man.

Back in the day, it was much easier to climb the ladder of success. If you worked hard, were smart and displayed a high level of dedication, you would be justly rewarded. Raises were based on performance and merit. You might receive bonuses, promotions and even better career opportunities. Today, we live in a society where more and more of the population feels the employer owes them something and the employee owes nothing more than showing up.

It is very disheartening to see more and more young people – our future, learning such distorted values. Emphasis is placed on education. Diplomas are supposed to be a ticket to prosperity. With all of this college education, why aren’t today’s young people learning a stronger work ethic? Why aren’t they more responsible, accountable and dedicated? Is it because there is very little education by example taught by those who are the most influential in their lives? Are we as parents failing to teach our children certain values?

When I was growing up, I learned work habits by observing my father’s actions and by following his example. Sick or tired, he went to work. When there was a basketball game on television that he was “dying” to see and his office needed immediate attention, the importance of the game came second. His priority was his job and family. You paid the consequences for not being committed to your job and the consequences were very simple. If you did not perform, you did not succeed.

Through my father’s example, I learned to become a successful employee and entrepreneur. I hope I am not the last of a dying breed. I can’t help but wonder what the future holds for the youth of today, adults of tomorrow? The previous generations have taught us valuable lessons and we need to learn about commitment and work ethic from them.


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