
Career Development For Women

    About the Workshop

    Women face special challenges in planning a career, because they often juggle multiple responsibilities. This seminar helps participants recognize their particular strengths in planning and advancing their careers. The focus is on career success and on balancing the demands of work and home life.


    • Know and apply the steps of career and life planning
    • Identify your skills, knowledge and abilities
    • Develop and use the abilities that will most benefit your employer and your career
    • Understand personal power
    • Overcome the unconscious fears that hold women back
    • Implement a career action plan


    • Patterns and barriers – understand self-defeating patterns and behaviors that prevent career and life growth
    • Skill assessment – take a self-test to identify your special skills, knowledge and abilities
    • Developing your strong points – strategies for increasing your personal and professional effectiveness
    • Handling the crisis situation – how to keep cool and maintain your credibility
    • Goal setting – how to set short term and long-term goals for maximizing productivity
    • Putting it all together – balancing your personal and professional life


    (Photo Courtesy of Steve Wilson)

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