Personal/Professional Growth

How Managers Make Things Happen

    About the Workshop

    Managers can realize their full potential by getting positive things to happen within their organizations. Making things happen is no accident. It is the result of a management style that incorporates excellent communications, problem-solving abilities, and the ability to motivate groups of people. This seminar focuses on helping participants achieve these skills.


    • Assess your job within the organization
    • Develop an individual career profile as a manager
    • Identify the ways in which you can function at maximum potential
    • Recognize and implement Win-Win relationships


    • Self-esteem: key to the effective manager
    • Positive attitudes: developing them in yourself and in others
    • The effective manager: strategies you can use
    • The necessity of communication
    • Productivity
    • Assertiveness without aggressiveness
    • Group dynamics
    • Problem solving


    (Photo Courtesy of Sebastiaan ter Burg)

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