Your Career Resolution For The New Year
Tradition tells us that every 365 days we should try to start our lives anew – reflect on the past and what we need to change about ourselves and even our careers. It is always important to take stock of your career. Even if you don’t think you want to make a career change, you may need to decide whether or not you should.
While you consider the pros and cons of your present career path, think about the following questions:
1. Do you look forward to starting your day?
2. When you are handed a challenging assignment, do you dive into it with confidence?
3. Do you speak up, set limits and say no when necessary?
4. Do you readily admit your own mistakes?
5. Do you refuse to allow someone else’s bad mood or difficult behavior to affect your feelings about your job?
6. Do you think for yourself in spite of your boss and co-workers?
7. Do you feel safe being honest in your working relationships?
8. Does hard work exhilarate you?
9. Is your job satisfaction measured in other than monetary ways?
10. Do you walk with you head up, your back straight, look people in the eye and inspire confidence?
If you can answer yes to these questions, you are in a job you love and your career is a keeper. However, if you cannot give an affirmative answer to those questions, it may be time to reassess your career path and consider another direction.
If you have decided you need to make changes in your career. What next? Start with analyzing your current job. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper. Write your personal strengths on one side and your personal weaknesses on the other. Now divide another sheet of paper down the middle. Write what you like doing in your current job on the left side and what you don’t on the right.
Now compare the two lists. You’ll most likely find that your strengths correspond to what you like to do. Your weaknesses correspond to what you don’t. It is normal to like what you do well and dislike what you don’t.
Analyze your lists carefully. Once you have done this simple exercise, you may realize the reasons for liking or disliking your job. Every job will have some aspects you don’t like, but if your lists are out of balance, if you are doing a lot of things you don’t like to do or are not good at, you may be in the wrong job. If you are doing what you are good at, but you hate a lot of the things you have to do, your job may have changed from what it was when you first started.
Once you have studied your lists and determined where your problem areas are, resolving the things that you hate about your job will enrich your work and pave the way to a more rewarding career path.