Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out

“It always takes two,” said the Pastor to Louise as he peered over the nose piece of his glasses. “No,” said Louise, “it only takes one in an abusive relationship.”
She had recently read Whitaker House’s Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out by Jane Boucher. This book dispels certain age-old myths about domestic violence. One of the most devastating domestic violence myths is that “It takes two” to repair an abusive relationship. Well-meaning pastors and counselors will tell an already broken woman to “love him more” or “just keep the peace.” This perpetuates and continues the cycle of abuse, which is all about his power and control. He has the “power over” her; she is the sinking victim.
Jane’s book has a threefold audience. Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out will teach:
The abused woman how to leave her abuser and how to stay gone. Most women return 8-11 times before they leave for good. Each time she returns to her abuser, she is at greater risk for being hurt and eventually killed. If she takes Jane’s book to heart, she will never return again.
Anyone who has been touched in anyway by domestic violence. You may be part of a victim’s support system. This book will teach you how to not give up on her.
Employers will also benefit from the advice in this book. Domestic Violence does not stay home when its victims go to work. Often, the offender follows, resulting in violence in the workplace. Domestic Violence causes corporations millions of dollars annually. Ninety-four percent of corporate security directors say Domestic Violence is a serious problem on the job site.
This powerful new self-help book, Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out, is written by eight-time author Jane Boucher, whose best seller, How to Love the Job You Hate, was endorsed by Dr. Kenneth Blanchard.
Now, Jane has turned the spotlight on another area of social commentary, Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out has already been heralded as “enlightening and inspiring for all who seek freedom from oppressive relationship,” says best-selling author Patricia Evans (The Verbally Abuse Relationship, Adams). Jane has also been endorsed by the First Lady of Nevada, Dawn Gibbons, Tony Campolo and Olympia Dukakis (academy award winning actor).
The title is indicative of the biggest problem for women who are living in abusive situations. While they might one day summon up the courage to leave the scene of the abuse, almost all of them will return despite the pleadings of concerned family and friends.
Jane spent five years talking with Pastors, therapists and victims of abuse, gathering current data, and working with diverse groups of women who have shared their experiences with her. Jane’s research statistics are chilling, as are the true stories by victims of abusive relationships. But even more so are the excuses that keep the relationship spinning along its warped tract, ultimately bringing more pain for every family member until death — or courage — brings an end to the relationship.
There are many books that tell victims how and why to leave a destructive relationship but there are none — she has scoured the market — that tell victims how to stay out and stay alive. She teaches you The Seven Secrets of Staying Out of Domestic Violence Once You Get Out. This is Jane’s mandate and Escaping Domestic Abuse…How Women Get Out and Stay Out is the only book you will ever need.