Losing The Job You Love

f you are a self-described “workaholic,” the loss of a job is like having a part of yourself cut off. Although the term workaholic seems to have negative connotations, that’s more likely an undeserved bad rap. Many of this ilk are dedicated and enthusiastic; they are people who should be immensely valuable to their organizations.
How do you deal with the painful separation from a job that has become the driving force in your life?
Grieve – Allow yourself to feel the tears, the anger, and the grief over losing your job. Otherwise, you will find yourself denying the pain of the event and “denial” can make you sick.
Put the Job in Perspective – Ask yourself, have I been consumed with this job to the exclusion of family, personal life, friends, spiritual, physical, or emotional growth? It is important to feel fulfilled in your job but when the job is a replacement, it is time to get a new perspective.
Confront Your Role in the Job Loss – If your job performance played a part in your job lose, look at it squarely and determine how you can best improve for the next time around.
Find a Reason to Get Up Every Day – In order to beat the desire to pull the covers over your head and stay in bed, decide to set and meet at least one goal for yourself every day. Include some goals that involve your job search.
Keep the Lines of Communication Open – Don’t avoid talking about your job loss to the people who really care about you. In today’s economic climate there is high unemployment and nothing to be ashamed about. Many good people are out of work through no fault of their own.
Recognize that There Will Be an End to This – Remind yourself that this challenging time will come to an end and that your diligence and persistence will eventually pay off in a new job situation.