
Interpersonal Communications

    About the Workshop

    Participants in this seminar learn how to improve relationships with co-workers and supervisors through an improved understanding of the communication process. They learn both verbal and non-verbal techniques to sharpen their message, making their meaning clear and precise.


    • Pinpoint communication problems with others
    • Say what you mean while remaining cooperative
    • Understand the unspoken (nonverbal) messages which you and others send
    • Analyze and improve your communication style
    • Identify group factors which affect communication in your organization


    • How to be an effective communicator
    • What’s going on when you communicate?
    • Your style: How others perceive you and why
    • The nonverbal agenda
    • How can you be sure that others get your message?
    • Communication and the dynamics of your work group


    (Photo Courtesy of Sebastiaan ter Burg)


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