Personal/Professional Growth

Making Conflict Productive

    About the Workshop

    Most people view conflict as unpleasant and unproductive. However, conflict is a part of life. No workplace exists without it. Used properly, conflict can actually be constructive, bringing about compromise, renewed understanding, and increased energy.


    • Understand the definition, dimensions, and consequences of conflict
    • Analyze your own conflict management style and ways to improve it
    • Identify the different ways people express conflict
    • Learn new strategies for managing conflict
    • Provide these skills to others


    • Conflict: a necessary evil?
    • How people express conflict in different ways
    • Disagreement is not always bad
    • Looking for the root causes of conflict
    • Your conflict management style: a self-assessment
    • Improving your conflict management style
    • Strategies for real-world conflict management
    • Helping others in your organization understand and manage conflict

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