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Quality Customer Service: Treating Customers As Guests

    About the Workshop

    Have you ever gone into a store feeling as though you were an interruption to the store’s employees? Ever wonder how your company’s customers really view you? In this downsized, cost-conscious business world, customer service is often the first casualty. Customer service (or lack of it) can make or break almost any organization.

    Customers who don’t like service won’t come back. This seminar focuses on going beyond polite and businesslike treatment; it explores ways that you can make your customers feel like valued guests. It will teach you how to have return visits from your customers.


    • Identify who your customers are
    • Assess your level of customer service
    • Learn ways to improve service without increasing cost
    • Develop strategies for making your customers feel valued
    • Communicate good techniques to others in your organization


    • Who are your customers? – how does your company treat them? – is there room for improvement?
    • The Golden Rule of customer treatment – imagine yourself as customer – one great hotel’s answer to customer service
    • How NOT to treat a customer – hilarious stories
    • Common sense customer treatment – how to develop it in yourself and your employees
    • Employee empowerment – the key to good service


    (Photo Courtesy of Bloomsburys)

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