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Take Steps Toward Achieving Your Goals

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Goals are a statement of faith. They motivate you to reach new levels of maturity in every area of your life. Your goals must be reasonable, realistic and obtainable and you should have checkpoints for measuring your progress. If you have ever gone on a diet, you know that you have a desired target weight and that you get on the scale periodically to measure your progress.

The first step in setting your goals is to evaluate your present situation; determine where you are at the moment. Now decide where you choose to go and how you will get there. It will give you a sense of direction and purpose. Try to reduce the goals you choose to work on to a vital few, because you will need the time, energy or money to carry out the plan for achieving them.

Goal setting is a continual process, and it calls for a strong sense of priority and self-confidence. Start out with easy, short-term goals that you know you can meet fairly quickly. This will get you started with the satisfaction of winning. Another way to approach this is to decide on things you want to attain in two or five years. From there work backwards to the present by setting short-term goals that will set you up to succeed.

You can achieve anything you want if you want it badly enough and can imagine yourself being there when you reach your goal. Imagine what everything around you will look like to make your dream as vivid and specific as possible.

Here are some steps to follow as you set goals:

1. Decide what is really important to you. Eliminate irrelevant half-hearted desires.

2. Set priorities and write each item out in order of importance. Grade them – your most important goals are As and Bs;
Cs carry a lower priority.

3. Every day, write down the tasks that will help you achieve high priority goals and include the desired date of the
accomplishment of each goal.

4. Do it now. Don’t procrastinate. Reread your list at least three times a day and take action.

5. Develop your action plan. What is the first thing you will do toward accomplishing your goal? When will you begin?

6. Visualize yourself as already having accomplished your goal. Allow your mind to work for you and continue to have
faith and patience. It will happen.

7. Avoid distractions. Say no to interruptions and requests that clearly have nothing to do with your goals.

8. When you want something, act as if you already have it or have accomplished it. That will help you stay on your
path of success. When you think and act confidently you will begin to feel, then actually become confident and

Remember that goal setting is critical for your personal and professional success, but that it is done by imperfect people in an imperfect world. What seems important today may not be in five years. That is all right. Nothing you have done is wasted. Your goals will help you reach your potential to be more of who you already are. They will recharge your batteries and keep you interested in this complicated thing called life.


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