Corporate Training Programs

Managing Organizational Change & Stress In A Turbulent Environment

    About the Workshop

    The last two years have brought enormous changes in our country-and much of it very difficult. Declining sales and asset values, layoffs, doing more with less, and job restructuring have left individuals and entire organizations reeling. As painful as these changes have been, if organizations do not rapidly adapt, they may not survive. This course teaches managers not only how to deal with change but also how to manage it, both professionally and personally.


    • Identify how change can cause stress and a lack of productivity in an organization
    • Identify those people most likely to resist change
    • Decide when major change-resisters need to be removed from an organization
    • Incorporate strategies to reduce resistance to change and its accompanying stress
    • Employ techniques for keeping morale high in the midst of change
    • Make wise decisions on when and how to make major organizational changes
    • Develop sound plans that employ an appropriate rate of change
    • Apply techniques for reducing stress in their own lives

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