Corporate Training Programs

Surviving Domestic Violence: How to Stay Out Once You Get Out

    About the Workshop

    Many men and women find themselves trapped in a seemingly hopeless situation. They know that they are being abused by a spouse or significant other, but can’t find the strength to break free. This seminar is filled with understanding and motivation. You’ll look within yourself and discover that there is a way to achieve happiness and freedom from abuse. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to regain your indentity.


        • Recognizing the types of abuse and the method for fighting back
        • Analyzing the arguments for staying in an abusive relationship and realizing that there is a better way
        • Realizing there is hope and life after abuse
        • Learning the techniques for staying out, once you are out
        • Regaining your own identity
        • Lessons from those who’ve been there and succeeded at regaining a new life


    Why do people go back to abusive relationships?

      • I just love him/her
      • It’s tough being one in a world made for two
      • He has the money
      • At least he’s a good father
      • I don’t know who I am anymore
      • I’m stuck in the fear
      • Who will believe me?
      • I don’t break promisesGetting out: a step-by-step process: Below is a discussion on the precise steps a person needs to take when they leave.
      • Get real; destroy the illusion and cut off contact
      • Create a financial action plan
      • Put the children first
      • Love yourself
      • Toughen up for the long haul
      • Focus on hope and healing
      • Success stories of women and men who have “made it”; these are the people who were finally able to stop going back

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